

  1. The types of wood used for making Komodo dragon sculptures are two kinds: Waru Laut wood (Hibiscus tiliaceus) and Kelumpang wood (Sterculia foetida). The wood has straight grain, fine texture, is not easily cracked, and has a dark color.
  2. The raw materials used for making Komodo dragon sculptures are in block form.
  3. The wood requirement for respondents making Komodo dragon sculptures overall is 136 logs with an average volume of 0.81 m³ per person per month.

PRICE : 250.000


Songket fabric is one of the ornaments from the Manggarai region that is renowned for its quality and neatness. The Manggarai people usually wear this fabric for traditional ceremonies and sometimes for everyday activities as well. The material of this souvenir is very soft, as it is carefully made using the best materials.

PRICE : 1.800.000


This musical instrument is very well known almost throughout the country. The traditional musical instrument from Rote Island, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is a stringed instrument that is played by plucking with fingers.

The Sasando has a unique shape, different from other stringed instruments. The main part of the Sasando is a long tube made of special bamboo. The bottom and top of the bamboo have places for attaching and tightening the strings. You can find this instrument in many souvenir shops.

PRICE : 350.000


Not only Bali and Jogja have Dagadu or Joger. Labuan Bajo also has its own. Yes, Labuan Bajo’s unique and interesting t-shirts.

PRICE : 150.000